Resources Listed by Category
Resources Listed by Author | Resources Listed by Subject | Resources Listed by Date Added
[ Notes on Inclusion Criteria ]
A Critique of Cornelius Van Til by D.R. Trethewie [Apologetics ]
A Critique of the Evidentialist Apologetical Method of John Warwick Montgomery by Greg L. Bahnsen [Apologetics ]
A Potential Problem with Presuppositional Apologetics by David Haines [Apologetics ]
A Presuppositional Response to the Problem of Evil by K. Dayton Hartman [Apologetics ]
A Primer on Presuppositionalism by S. Joel Garver [Apologetics ]
A Proposal on the Occasion and the Method of Presenting Evidence within a Van Tillian Framework by Jimmy Li [Apologetics ]
A Synthesis of the Ethics of C.S. Lewis, Cornelius Van Til and Louis Pojman by Daniel John Ribera [Philosophy ]
A Truly Reformed Epistemology by Michael Butler [Philosophy ]
A Van Til Glossary by John M. Frame [General ]
An Analytical Presentation of Cornelius Van Tils Transcendental Argument from Predication by Robin Barrett [Apologetics ]
An Epistemological Example: Classic Presuppositionalism Versus Clarkian Presuppositionalism by Roderick Edwards [Apologetics ]
Analogical Knowledge: A Systematic Interpretation of Cornelius Van Til's Theological Epistemology by James D. Baird [Theology ]
Another Cup of Coffee by Greg L. Bahnsen [Apologetics ]
Answering Objections by Greg L. Bahnsen [Apologetics ]
Antitheism Presupposes Theism (And So Does Every Other 'Ism') by James N. Anderson [Apologetics ]
Apologetic Method by John M. Frame [Apologetics ]
Approaching Cults and World Religions from a Presuppositional Apologetic Perspective by Jeff Downs [Apologetics ]
Aristotle Versus Van Til And Lukasiewicz On Contradiction: Are Contradictions Irrational In Science And Theology? by Robert C. Trundle [Philosophy ]
At War With the Word: The Necessity of Biblical Antithesis by Greg L. Bahnsen [Apologetics ]
Authors Who Have Most Influenced Me by P. Andrew Sandlin [General ]
Calvin as a Controversialist by Cornelius Van Til [Theology ]
Can Van Til's Apologetics Transcend Cultures?: Applying Van Tillian Apologetics in the Evangelism of Chinese Intellectuals by Lian Keng Lim [Apologetics ]
Caution: Depraved Minds at Work by Don Craig [Apologetics ]
Christian Civilization is the Only Civilization - In a Sense, Of Course by Michael H. Warren [Philosophy ]
Christianity and Evidentialism: Van Til and Locke on Facts and Evidence by Nathan D. Shannon [Apologetics ]
Comments on John Johnson's Response to Frame & Hays by James N. Anderson [Apologetics ]
Common Misunderstandings of Van Til's Apologetics (1/2) by Richard L. Pratt [Apologetics ]
Common Misunderstandings of Van Til's Apologetics (2/2) by Richard L. Pratt [Apologetics ]
Comparative Apologetic Anatomy by Steve Hays [Apologetics ]
Cornelius Van Til by Phil Fernandes [Apologetics ]
Cornelius Van Til by John M. Frame [General ]
Cornelius Van Til by Robert den Dulk [General ]
Cornelius Van Til (1895-1987) by Paul Wells [General ]
Cornelius Van Til (Wikipedia) [General ]
Cornelius Van Til and Alvin Plantinga: A Brief Comparison by James N. Anderson [General ]
Cornelius Van Til and Romans 1:18-21: A Study in the Epistemology of Presuppositional Apologetics by David L. Turner [Apologetics ]
Cornelius Van Til and the Reformation of Christian Apologetics by K. Scott Oliphint [Apologetics ]
Cornelius Van Til as Critic of Karl Barth's Christology by James J. Cassidy [Theology ]
Cornelius Van Til's Position on the Unity of the Bible by Sarah Wilson & Jane Jimenez [Theology ]
Cornelius Van Til's Understanding of Christian Epistemology by Tony R. Hepp [Philosophy ]
Covenantal Apologetics and Common-Sense Realism: Recalibrating the Argument from Consciousness as a Test Case by Nathaniel G. Sutanto [Apologetics ]
Derrida, Van Til and the Metaphysics of Postmodernism by Jacob Gabriel Hale [Philosophy ]
Divine Aseity and Apologetics by John M. Frame [Apologetics ]
Do the 'Classic' Proofs for the Existence of God Actually Demonstrate God's Existence? by Tony R. Hepp [Apologetics ]
Does God Observe the Law of Contradiction? . . . Should We? by Richard L. Pratt [Theology ]
Epistemology According to Michael Polanyi, Cornelius Van Til, and John Calvin by Charles R. Biggs [Philosophy ]
Evidential Apologetics: The Right Way by Greg L. Bahnsen [Apologetics ]
Faith vs. Faith: An Apologetic Dialogue by Joseph E. Torres [Apologetics ]
Fernandes on Van Til by Steve Hays [Apologetics ]
Follow-Up Response to Michael Martin by Michael Butler [Apologetics ]
For the Sake of Argument: A Critique of the Logical Structure of Van Til's Presuppositionalism by David P. Hoover [Apologetics ]
Frame on Van Til and Transcendental Arguments by Michael Butler [Apologetics ]
How Much Did Frame Drink From Van Til's Apologetic Well? by Steve R. Scrivener [Apologetics ]
How a Muslim Could Employ Van Til's Apologetic System: A Response to Frame and Hays by John J. Johnson [Apologetics ]
If Knowledge Then God: The Epistemological Theistic Arguments of Plantinga and Van Til by James N. Anderson [Apologetics ]
Inductivism, Inerrancy, and Presuppositionalism by Greg L. Bahnsen [Apologetics ]
Introduction to Presuppositionalism by Ian Clary [Apologetics ]
Is Evidence Really Necessary? by James Grier [Apologetics ]
Johnson on Van Til: A Rejoinder by John M. Frame & Steve Hays [Apologetics ]
Jonathan Edwards: Reformed Apologist by K. Scott Oliphint [Apologetics ]
Let God Be True: A Brief Defense of the Christian Faith by Kenneth L. Gentry [Apologetics ]
Machen's Warrior Children by John M. Frame [General ]
Machen, Van Til and the Apologetical Tradition of the O.P.C. by Greg L. Bahnsen [Apologetics ]
Missing Quotations: Van Til on the Trinity and Covenant by Ralph A. Smith [Theology ]
Modernity, 'Radical Orthodoxy', and Cornelius Van Til: A Journey of Rediscovery of Participatory Theism by Albert R. Haig [Theology ]
My Credo by Cornelius Van Til [Apologetics ]
Nature and Scripture by Cornelius Van Til [Theology ]
Neither 'Copernican' nor 'Van Tilian': Re-Reading Cornelius Van Til's Reformed Apologetics in light of Herman Bavinck's Reformed Dogmatics by Laurence R. III O'Donnell [Theology ]
No Dilemma for the Proponent of the Transcendental Argument: A Response to David Reiter by James N. Anderson [Apologetics ]
Obituary: Dr. Cornelius Van Til [General ]
On Worshipping the Creature Rather Than the Creator by Greg L. Bahnsen [Philosophy ]
Paul's Purpose at Athens by R.K. McGregor Wright [Apologetics ]
Point of Contact in Apologetics by Jay Wetger [Apologetics ]
Presumptuous Presuppositions: The Apologetics of Cornelius Van Til by Mark Horne [Apologetics ]
Presuppositional Apologetics (IVP) by John M. Frame [Apologetics ]
Presuppositional Apologetics (Wikipedia) [Apologetics ]
Presuppositional Apologetics: An Introduction (1/2) by John M. Frame [Apologetics ]
Presuppositional Apologetics: An Introduction (2/2) by John M. Frame [Apologetics ]
Presuppositional Procedure by Greg L. Bahnsen [Apologetics ]
Presuppositional Reasoning with False Faiths by Greg L. Bahnsen [Apologetics ]
Presuppositionalism: A Reply to Dr. Buswell (Part 1) by Cornelius Van Til [Apologetics ]
Presuppositionalism: A Reply to Dr. Buswell (Part 2) by Cornelius Van Til [Apologetics ]
Principles for Apologetics from Paul at Athens by Steve R. Scrivener [Apologetics ]
Reason, Evidence and Presuppositional Apologetics by Brian M. Abshire [Apologetics ]
Sample Questions for Presbytery Apologetics Exam by Greg L. Bahnsen [Apologetics ]
Shall We Argue Transcendentally? by Greg Welty [Apologetics ]
Show Their Rock is Not Like Our Rock: The Apologetics of Deuteronomy 32 by Steve R. Scrivener [Apologetics ]
Studying Missiology with a Presuppositional Methodology by Mark R. Kreitzer [Philosophy ]
Summary of Presuppositional Apologetic Method by Greg L. Bahnsen & Steve Scrivener [Apologetics ]
TAG vs. TANG by Michael Butler [Apologetics ]
The Apologetic Programme of Cornelius Van Til as an Assault Against the Apologetic Tradition by Bob Brenton [Apologetics ]
The Consistency of Van Til's Methodology by K. Scott Oliphint [Apologetics ]
The Covenant Theology of Cornelius Van Til in Light of His Interaction with Karl Barth and Hans Urs von Balthasar by Paul C. Maxwell [Theology ]
The Crucial Concept of Self-Deception in Presuppositional Apologetics by Greg L. Bahnsen [Apologetics ]
The Defense of Christianity by Cornelius Van Til [Apologetics ]
The Educational Theories of Cornelius Van Til by Daniel John Ribera [Philosophy ]
The Existence of the Triune God by Dennis Nenadov [Apologetics ]
The Fountainhead of Presuppositionalism by James Oliver Buswell [Apologetics ]
The Impropriety of Evidentially Arguing for the Resurrection by Greg L. Bahnsen [Apologetics ]
The Influence of Idealism on the Apologetics of Cornelius Van Til by Timothy I. McConnel [Philosophy ]
The Inseparable Link Between Reformed Theology and Presuppositional Apologetics by Bryan Neal Baird [Apologetics ]
The Message of Cornelius Van Til by John M. Frame [General ]
The Old New Reformed Epistemology by K. Scott Oliphint [Apologetics ]
The Problem of Natural Revelation in the Thought of Cornelius Van Til by Andrew Fulford [Theology ]
The Reformed View of Education by Cornelius Van Til [Philosophy ]
The Resurrection of Thomism by Doug Erlandson [Philosophy ]
The Role and Use of Evidence in Reformed Presuppositional Apologetics (1/2) by Alejandro Moreno Morrison [Apologetics ]
The Role and Use of Evidence in Reformed Presuppositional Apologetics (2/2) by Alejandro Moreno Morrison [Apologetics ]
The Scope and Limits of Van Til's Transcendental Argument: A Response to John Frame by Michael H. Warren [Apologetics ]
The Scripture's Van Til Quotes about Apologetics by Steve R. Scrivener [Apologetics ]
The Theistic Preconditions of Knowledge: A Thumbnail Sketch by James N. Anderson [Apologetics ]
The Transcendental Argument for God's Existence by Michael Butler [Apologetics ]
The Transcendental Perspective of Westminster's Apologetic by Robert Knudsen [Apologetics ]
The problem with TAG by Alex Malpass [Apologetics ]
Theological Interpretation and Van Tillian Apologetics: An Interdependent Relationship by Zack Seals [Theology ]
Transcendental Argument for the Existence of God (Wikipedia) [Apologetics ]
Transcendental Arguments by John M. Frame [Apologetics ]
Transcendental Arguments by John M. Frame [Apologetics ]
Transcendental Meditation by K. Scott Oliphint [Apologetics ]
Transcendental arguments and the logic of presupposition by Alex Malpass [Philosophy ]
Trinitarian Analogies by John M. Frame [Theology ]
Two Christian Warriors: Cornelius Van Til and Francis A. Schaeffer Compared by William Edgar [Apologetics ]
Two Theological Accounts of Logic: Theistic Conceptual Realism and a Reformed Archetype-Ectype Model by Nathaniel G. Sutanto [Philosophy ]
Van Til Bio [General ]
Van Til Diagrammed by Michael H. Warren [General ]
Van Til FEM (Frequently Encountered Misconceptions) by James N. Anderson [General ]
Van Til Made Me Reformed by Eric H. Sigward [General ]
Van Til Reconsidered by John M. Frame [General ]
Van Til and Self-Deception by Greg L. Bahnsen [Apologetics ]
Van Til and Transcendental Argument Revisited by Donald Collett [Philosophy ]
Van Til on the Reorganization of Princeton by Cornelius Van Til [General ]
Van Til the Controversialist by John R. Muether [General ]
Van Til the Evangelist by K. Scott Oliphint [General ]
Van Til v. Muhammad (A Response to John Johnson) by Steve Hays [Apologetics ]
Van Til versus Stroud: Is the Transcendental Argument for Christian Theism Viable? by Bálint Békefi [Philosophy ]
Van Til's 'Presuppositionalism' by Greg L. Bahnsen [Apologetics ]
Van Til's 'The Total Picture' (in table format) by Cornelius Van Til & Steve Scrivener [Apologetics ]
Van Til's 'Why I Believe in God' by Greg L. Bahnsen [Apologetics ]
Van Til's Challenge to Illegitimate Common Ground by Greg L. Bahnsen [Apologetics ]
Van Til's Critique of Human Knowledge by William D. Dennison [Apologetics ]
Van Til's Illustrations, focusing on Apologetics by Cornelius Van Til & Steve Scrivener [Apologetics ]
Van Til's Life and Impact by Greg L. Bahnsen [Apologetics ]
Van Til's Serious Trinitarian Theology by James N. Anderson [Theology ]
Van Til's Transcendental Argument Form and Theological and Biblical Basis by Steve R. Scrivener [Apologetics ]
Van Til, Adams and Me by George C. Scipione [General ]
Van Til, Karlberg, and Westminster by Ralph A. Smith [Theology ]
Van Til: His Logic, Epistemology, and Apologetic by Nathan Pitchford [Apologetics ]
Van Til: His Simplicity and Profundity by John M. Frame [General ]
Van Til: The Theologian by John M. Frame [Theology ]
Van Tillian Presuppositional Theonomic Ethics by Jay Roger [Ethics ]
What is Presuppositionalism? [Apologetics ]
Wholly Other Or Wholly Given Over? What Van Til Missed in His Criticism of Barth by Gavin Ortlund [Theology ]
Why I Am Not a Van Tilian by W. Gary Crampton [General ]
Why I Believe In God by Cornelius Van Til [Apologetics ]
Why I Believe In God (with introduction and revisions) by Cornelius Van Til & Steve Scrivener [Apologetics ]
Why I'm Not a Cramptonian by Steve Hays [General ]
Why Machen Hired Van Til by D.G. Hart & John R. Muether [General ]
Why Van Til is Important by Douglas Wilson [General ]
Notes on Inclusion Criteria
Generally speaking, a resource is eligible for inclusion in the catalogue if either (a) it directly interacts with Van Til's writings or (b) it discusses some distinctive element of Van Til's thought (e.g. presuppositional apologetics) and makes explicit reference to Van Til in the course of that discussion. The webmaster reserves the right to include some particularly helpful resources that do not meet (a) or (b) and to exclude some particularly unhelpful resources that meet (a) or (b). Caveat lector : resources linked from may or may not be sympathetic to Van Til's work, and inclusion in the catalogue should not be taken to imply approval of content or any guarantee that Van Til's views are accurately represented.
Last updated: 23 December 2017
Copyright © James N. Anderson 2017
Send comments to [email protected]